Welcome back, Cubs, and a very special welcome to our new Cub families!

The mission of the California State PTA is “to positively impact the lives of all children and families.” Cubberley PTA implements this mission in many ways: providing enrichment programs that benefit the students of Cubberley (Reading Rewards/Literature Club, Garden Program, etc.), facilitating communication between school and home (Room parent communication, PTA website, etc.), and providing services to the school to take some of the “busy work” off the hands of teachers and staff (Cub of the Month, office copier lease, etc.)

As an all-volunteer, not-for-profit organization, we rely solely on the Cubberley community for our funding and manpower. We strive to fundraise as little as possible, but we cannot provide any of these valuable programs and services without your help. There are many ways to show your support:

1.Become a PTA member. Your $10 membership is divided among Cubberley PTA ($4.95), Long Beach Council PTA ($.30), 33rd District PTA ($.50), California State PTA ($2.00), and National PTA ($2.25). Your membership provides financial support, gives you a vote at PTA meetings, and gives Cubberley a voice at the local, state, and national levels. Please consider signing up the entire family.

2.Volunteer. We all have busy lives with work, kids’ activities, and other personal and family obligations. Many of our committees and events allow for tasks that may be completed at home, on your own time. Please see the attached list for details, and consider donating some of your time and enthusiasm. Every little bit helps!

PTA Meetings are scheduled monthly and will give you more information of events being held throughout the year. We hope you will join us to learn more about what we have planned for the coming year. In the meantime, please peruse this website for more information about PTA, what we do, and how to get involved. It’s a great day to be a Cub!


Dawn Cody, PTA President